Wednesday, September 1, 2010

People Gaming Adsense

I just stumbled into clown posting a "how to" on how to game adsense so they make like 200-300 a day.

I am so frustrated by this. It's cheating the system. I bust my butt owning a ton of real websites, always working on my content making sure it is always up to date and fresh. Making sure my content is good.
Then a couple years ago google says they are dropping the pay out amount because they think people are gaming the system. As apposed busting them. What's that do? it reduces the amount of pay out for the legit crew of content writers on the internet. and it lets the adsense cheaters run free.

What do they do to break even on the amount of money they make now as to what they made before the pay rate reduced for adsense?????? They cheat more.

They rip off google adsense and then google in turn rips me off, and then in turn the cheats rip off google even more.

The adsense cheats have an Honor system on blogger and on youtube. adsense needs to bust these jerks and pay us legit writers more.

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