Monday, August 11, 2008

Help me test my Socials

I have been very busy with my social sites.
I will index them all in google and yahoo very soon. When I am done after I get a few people on each of them and get a few complaints and requests so
I can tweak the site. The launches will all be at the same time. So yeah I will get very drunk and and celebrate my efforts on that day.
Thanks to those who have helped and believed in my efforts and knew that I could do this.
please join leave a post I need your opinions

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Commission Junction Cooking the Books?

It seems that Commission Junction. The alternative affiliate company for online advertisement, Has been getting the finger pointed at them.
Reference link here
I used to use them, but never made any money. Even though my logs would show on my site hundreds of people a day, their reports would say 7-8 people a day, with no clicks.

So here's one to a better online future.