Friday, April 27, 2012

What comcast did to me.

Comcast failed me so I can't really get online much anymore to make posts.
Will do what I can when I can. If I find an internet provider in my area.

I will try clear communications.

For now I am using a verizon 4g adapter and getting the exact same speeds as comcast. but that's an adapter turned in by an ex-employee here and the contract for that device is about to expire.

Much love tech world.

Oh.. and Wrapped Helix on a gradual incline to you Cispa supporters, you and your non-coagulated bovine discharge! 


ComcastCares1 said...

I apologize for the the trouble.

I work for Comcast and I'd like to help. Please feel free to contact me, provide your info and a link to this page if you;re interested in my help.


Mark Casem
Comcast Corp.
National Customer Operations

TruXter said...

If you wanted to help, you would have read and followed the link to my real site showing that you scum have said and did this exact same thing each time, I posted on the problem I had. And each time I responded to the email addresses you guys posted, you never responded. Nothing was ever resolved.

Save face with fake posts like this all you want.